Men... It’s time to get talking

Published on: 29th November 2022

November is Men’s Health Awareness Month. We are spreading awareness of our services and support men in the county who are struggling.

One in four of us will experience a common mental health problem at some point in our lives. Three times as many women as men referred to our steps2change service in 2022. However, three times as many men take their own lives than women nationally.

Steps2change provides free NHS talking therapy services in the county. We also offer a specialist service which supports people with long-term health conditions who are experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression.

We provide the opportunity to talk about your difficulties in a confidential and non-judgemental environment. Together, we create an individually tailored treatment package.

In January 2023, we will be also launching our prostate cancer pathway. This will provide even more specialist support for those experiencing the condition.

In our experience, men are often less willing to talk about how they are feeling. They often worry about how they will be perceived by others or not want to worry their friends and family. Men are also more likely to deny or accept their feelings and hope they go away, instead of seeking support.

One service user told us about the stereotypes which prevented him from accessing support in the past.

He said: “I was hesitant to refer myself because I have never opened up about my feelings. I was brought up to believe that men are strong and should just get on with things.”

We want to challenge this stigma and encourage men to come forward for support. We do whatever we can to make taking this important step comfortable. For example, we provide the choice between a male or female therapist if required.

It takes guts to talk about how you feel. We are here to listen and support you. Please make the time to prioritise your mental health and wellbeing this winter.

It couldn’t be easier to refer yourself using our chatbot or online form at You can also call 0303 123 4000 or talk to any health professional, including your GP.

Read practical tips on how to boost your wellbeing this winter at